Bridging Worlds through Creativity

Rainy Days and Rainy Nights…

Locals have told me the rains are likely to start in the Pacific Northwest as early as October and last as late as the 4th of July…which tends to keep me indoors quite a bit more than I like. And, the rainy weather offers opportunities to look through old photographs and images, as well as wrap-up some unfinished projects. (I’ll bet you have a few of those…) Here’s a new project, since I prefer trying out new creative ideas rather than returning to old and unfinished projects. Silly me. For this, I was planning for next year’s Wild Arts Festival, painting on a 6 x6 board. Since I prefer watercolor, I thought I’d try mounting a blank sheet of transparent Yupo on a wood cradle board. I found many video instructions online, thanks to Google and YouTube, and combined a few of them to achieve my results. Voila ~ my Yupo is ready for painting!